Availability of opportunities implies that people have a range of life options, specifically economic, to pick from, and have a realistic chance to adopt what they want to do and succeed in it. For Pakistan, where nearly sixty percent of the population is aged under 30 years, opportunities become even more significant. The fact that we live in a world where technology is changing the way things are done at an unprecedented pace makes it very easy for those not keeping up to be left far behind, without opportunities.Is Pakistan offering such opportunities to its people to take up and excel? Is the country doing what needs to be done for its population to excel in the future?I. OPPORTUNITY NOWYouth UnemploymentThe reported unemployment rate of 6.9 percent is considered comfortable and frequently makes headlines. Far more females and those living in urban areas (7.9 percent) are unemployed than their male and rural counterparts (6.4 percent).
________Nadeem Ul Haque <[email protected]> is Vice Chancellor, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad.Durr-e-Nayab <[email protected]> is Joint Director, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad.________Paid and Unpaid Labour
Urban Areas and Jobs for the YouthDo urban areas provide more lucrative jobs, especially to those educated? The trends clearly show signs of a highly regulated market or a mismeasure of urban and rural areas given that no significant wage difference shows up in the average wages across the two regions, specifically for those with no or little education.In PIDE we have pointed out that (Arif, 2003; Haque and Nayab, 2007; Haque, 2013, 2016, 2020):
III. CREATING OPPORTUNITIESAs per the PIDE agenda, following nexus has been detailed to articulate how opportunities can be created.(1) Sludge (excessive regulation and documentation) is preventing the growth of firms, investments, and entrepreneurship. The government’s footprint is large, crowding out investment and economic activity (Haque and Ullah, 2020). The government processes are cumbersome, and the regulatory space for investment is also severely lacking.(2) PIDE RAPID (2021) and the FEG (2011) note the country’s lack of market development. Markets are mere competitive devices. To allow all forms of competition to happen, the government must foster creative regulatory frameworks.(3) Opportunities abide from street/sidewalk economy to the corner store, neighbourhood businesses, shopping malls, entertainment, leisure spaces, and many more. This is contrary to our city master planning, where flyovers, roads and excessive zoning and height restrictions encourage a soul- and opportunity killing sprawl. The current trend needs to be reversed.(4) According to LSF, a relatively small proportion of the labour force seems to be employed in construction. Despite the PM’s pronouncements on increasing construction activity, the emphasis seems to be on sprawl and road construction. This means that city space for opportunity remains limited. The whole approach toward construction needs rethinking. The current sprawl with the limited public, community, commercial, and entertainment space offers no opportunity to youth. Denser, instead of sprawling, should be the idea around which cities are developed.(5) The talent-focused opportunity approach will allow creativity and entrepreneurship to flourish everywhere. Eventually, a network of activities will be developed, and many new and fresh activities will emerge. GDP will increase as we connect with more global supply talent and knowledge networks. In one calculation, GDP is merely a sum of all earnings. As new activities are allowed to happen and even fostered, GDP will increase, creating further opportunities.REFERENCESArif, G. M. (2003). Urbanisation in Pakistan: Trends, growth, and evaluation of the 1998 census. In A. R. Kemal, M. Irfan and N. Mahmud (eds.) Population of Pakistan, A analysis of the 1998 population and housing census. Islamabad: Pakistan Institute of Development Economics.FEG (2011). Framework for economic growth. Islamabad: Planning Commission, Government of Pakistan.Glaeser, E. L., Stuart, S., William, R., & Strange, C. (2009). Urban economics and entrepreneurship. National Bureau of Economic Research. (Working Paper 15536).Gould, E. D. (2007). Cities, workers, and wages: A structural analysis of the urban wage premium. The Review of Economic Studies, 74(2).Haque, N. U. (2015). Flawed urban development policies in Pakistan. (PIDE Working Paper Series, 2015:119).Haque, N. U. & Khurshid, N. (2020). Construction without real estate development. (PIDE Working Paper Series, 2020:9).Haque, N. U. & Nayab, D. (2006). Renew cities to be the engine of growth. The Pakistan Development Review, 45(3).Haque, N. U. & Nayab, D. (2007). Cities: Engines of growth. Islamabad: Pakistan Institute of Development Economics.Haque, N. U. & Ullah, R. R. (2020). Estimating the footprint of government on the economy. (PIDE Working Paper Series, 2020:26).Haque, N. U., Nayab, D., Siddique, O. & Faraz, N. (2021). Cash poor, perk rich! civil service compensation: Incentives, dissatisfaction, and costs. Islamabad: Pakistan Institute of Development Economics.PIDE RAPID (2021). PIDE reform agenda for accelerated and sustained growth. Islamabad: Pakistan Institute of Development Economics.Sen, A. (1997). Development and thinking at the beginning of the 21st century. (LSESTICERD Research Paper No. DEDPS02).
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